March 13th 2012, Kyoto, Japan
What's new
Constructive approaches, that are modeling, simulation and analysis of emergent phenomena by synthesizing life-like behaviors using artificial media such as computers, robots, etc., have played a substantial role in the understanding of the origin and evolution of language for two decades. They have allowed us to observe the emergence of linguistic properties arising from communicative interactions among agents on various levels and timescales, which are not easy to observe experimentally.
At the same time, other various methodologies have also emerged, which have allowed us to obtain empirical data with regard to language evolution. Experimental approaches on cultural evolution of language enable us to observe the emergence of new languages or grammars used by human participants directly. The recent progress of new media or information technologies also allows us to grasp trends in real linguistic changes by analyzing huge linguistic resources such as google books, etc. Comparative approaches based on data from animal species such as vocal learning of songbirds is increasing its significance. In addition, mathematical approaches have contributed to better understanding of essential aspects of computational models such as an iterated learning model, etc.
In the light of these recent developments and progress of
interdisciplinary approaches for understanding language evolution, we
would like to reconsider the significance of constructive approaches
including computational and mathematical modeling for understanding
language evolution in this workshop. We would like to invite contributions
on language evolution based on constructive approaches, in addition to
some invited talks. The authors are also requested to mention how
constructive approach can contribute to language evolution.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
The conference will be offering limited financial support to help student authors attend the conference to present their own work. This applies equally to students accepted to give presentations as part of the main conference or workshops. Please see this page for application details.
09:35-9:40 Opening 09:40-10:20 Invited talk (40min)
Modelling and language evolution: beyond fact-free science
Bart de Boer
10:20-10:30 break
10:30-11:45 Session 1 (25min x 3)
Evolution of word frequency distribution based on prediction dynamics
Kazutoshi Sasahara (25min)
A simple model on the evolution process of herbivore-induced plant volatiles
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Megumi Sakai and Kazuhiro Adachi (25min)
Reconsidering language evolution from coevolution of learning and niche construction
using a concept of dynamic fitness landscape
Reiji Suzuki and Takaya Arita (25min)
11:45-13:10 lunch
13:10-13:40 Plenary talk (30min)
Integrative Approach to Dynamic Feature of Symbolic Communication System
Takashi Hashimoto
13:40-13:50 break
13:50-15:25 Session 2 (25min x 3+20min x 1)
Synthetic modeling of cultural language evolution
Michel Spranger and Luc Steels (25min)
Language diversity in the naming game on adaptive weighted networks
Dorota Lipowska (25min)
Multilayered formalisms for language contact
Makoto Nakamura, Shingo Hagiwara and Satoshi Tojo (25min)
Constructing knowledge: nomothetic approaches to language evolution
Sean Roberts and James Winters (20min)
Reiji Suzuki
Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
e-mail: reiji[at]