Generation of Color Patterns Based on the Interactions between Predators and Prey

T. Arita and A. Ojika

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 1996
This paper reports our effort to abstract the evolutionary mechanism of color pattern generation and color pattern recognition, and to construct a model in which coevolutionary dynamics automatically generate some of the color patterns that one observed in nature one after another, by assuming that there is a symmetry in the evolutionary relationship between predators and prey. Each artificial organism in the model has a pattern development system and a pattern recognition system. As a predator, the production rules which develop the pattern for the recognition system evolve to recognize the prey correctly. As a prey, the production rules which develop the color pattern on its epidermis evolve to prevent the predators from detecting it or identifying its species. This mechanism can be a driving force of coevolution and promotes the generation of complex sequences of color patterns.